by Bay Dental | Jul 13, 2016 | Cosmetic Dentistry
“I always hear that whitening isn’t great for sensitive teeth. If my teeth are sensitive, is there any way to whiten them?” Many of our patients downtown Vancouver are concerned about their teeth being too sensitive to whiten. Fortunately, sensitive teeth can be whitened – just with a little bit of extra effort to ensure your sensitivity isn’t triggered. What is the best way to whiten sensitive teeth? The best way to whiten sensitive teeth is with a home whitening program, but not the kind you pick up at the drug store. The kind of home whitening program we’re referring to here involves custom trays for your mouth, which we’ll make for you. Why are home whitening kits the best option for whitening sensitive teeth? The benefit of this custom program is that the amount of time the bleaching chemical is on your teeth can be controlled. How long should I keep the whitening trays on for? You can begin with very short intervals of just five or ten minutes. These short times will not cause sensitivity, but will still be effective. The whitening time can remain short – in those little five or ten minute bursts – or it can be increased, if it’s not causing sensitivity. How long will it take to see results from home whitening kits? This isn’t one of those programs that takes months to see effects – in fact, after just two weeks, your teeth will be whiter, and your sensitivity will be no problem at all. What is included in Bay Dental’s Take-Home Whitening Kits? Take-home teeth whitening kits include: a custom-whitening...
by Bay Dental | Oct 29, 2015 | Cosmetic Dentistry
There are many options for improving the look of your front teeth, depending on the issues and your desired outcome. For more information visit our dental practice downtown Vancouver on West Georgia. The list below shows four main issues and some of the options, starting with the most conservative. Mildly Discolored Teeth For mildly discolored teeth, whitening is usually helpful. This can be done in the office or with take home products. Severely Discoloured Teeth With more severely discoloured teeth, rotated, misshapen, or crooked teeth, the potential solutions are porcelain veneers or crowns. E-max crowns and veneers that are available today are completely life like to the point that they look 100% natural. Teeth Out of Alignment Teeth that are severely out of alignment would benefit from orthodontic treatment (braces or invisalign). Discoloured Fillings on Teeth Teeth that have many discoloured fillings. The best solution would be an E-max crown. With today’s technology we can make beautiful looking teeth from almost any pre-existing condition. For more information, contact us or visit Bay Dental downtown...
by Bay Dental | Jul 10, 2015 | Cosmetic Dentistry
There is a dental problem that affects a lot of people all over the world, even if they are very careful to practice good dental hygiene: discoloured teeth. This is the darkening of teeth due to a variety of different reasons. Discoloured teeth can be a source of great embarrassment to many people and can often make you look older than you actually are. Most people who have this problem suffer from a great loss in confidence and find themselves unable to smile or laugh without reservation. Many people have teeth that have become yellow or discoloured due to a variety of reasons. The main reason for a person’s teeth to become yellow is age. Another reason could be that they consume food and drinks such as tea, coffee, or red wine in large quantities. Consuming tobacco, whether by chewing or smoking, can also cause teeth to get stained, as well as treatment with certain. A root canal treatment, in which the root of a tooth has been killed, can also cause a tooth to change in colour. The simplest way to sort out this problem is to use a tooth whitening agent. There are many options for whitening your teeth in Vancouver and we offer them to you at our dental practice in downtown Vancouver. They are able to lighten the colour of the tooth considerably, often up to eight shades! You will get a brighter smile after treatment and will look considerably younger and more attractive. At Bay Dental we offer you very good teeth whitening treatments in the form of professional, in-office whitening and take-home whitening. We use whitening products that contain...
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