Dental bonding is a method we use at Bay Dental to take care of your cracked, stained, or uneven teeth. It is the practice of adhesion to the tooth’s natural surface or dental implants. Using this bonding technique, a white filling is put onto your tooth to enhance its appearance. The filling then “bonds” with your teeth, and provides a natural-looking finish, due to the fact that it is available in a variety of tooth-coloured shades!
Bonding will cover any natural issues or defects with its process. Initially, a thin layer of adhesive is used on the front surface of the teeth, and after that the bonding product is used. Bonding can be sculpted, coloured, and shaped to provide the feel and look that you and your Vancouver dentist want and desire.
Common kinds of dental bonding include:
- Fixing decayed teeth
- Altering the shape of teeth
- Protecting a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums decay
- Closing spaces in between teeth
- Improving the appearance of tarnished teeth
- Making teeth look longer
- Repairing damaged or broken teeth
Another option for dental bonding is to use it for dental fillings instead of amalgam fillings. Lots of patients prefer bonded fillings, given that the white colour is much less visible than the silver amalgam fillings. Bonding fillings can be made use of on front and back teeth, but is dependent on the location and degree of tooth decay.
Bonding is less expensive than other cosmetic treatments and can often be completed in only one appointment, in-office, at our downtown Vancouver dental practice. This procedure has actually become a fairly common one, which is why it can generally be finished in one brief appointment.
Just so you’re completely aware, bonding can stain and is much simpler to break than other cosmetic treatments such as porcelain veneers. If this happens, make sure to mention it to your Vancouver dentist and we will certainly repair any damage.
Do you think that dental bonding is the right procedure for you? Schedule an appointment with us today and we’ll be happy to discuss your options with you!