Endodontics is also known as root canal therapy and includes the rehabilitation of damaged teeth roots and nerves. At Bay Dental, we provide gentle endodontic treatment to all of our patients who need it.
The connective tissues within your teeth extend deep into your jaw, serving as a root to keeping your teeth strong and healthy throughout your lifetime. If these tissues are damaged, there can be serious issues and concerns, often causing infection and decay that produce pain and hypersensitivity. If you have even one damaged tooth, you currently know the issues that originate from this hypersensitivity as well as the issues that can result.
If you’re wondering how to tell if you need a root canal, here are some helpful signs on what to look for:
- Extreme pain and sensitivity while chewing
- Heightened sensitivity to hot/cold temperatures
- A repeating spot on the gums, which may show an abscess
- Increased gum sensitivity and swelling
- Internal staining of the tooth
Although it is common for the term “root canal” to strike fear in many of our downtown Vancouver dental patients, at Bay Dental, we feel that this is undeserved. We provide gentle and relaxing treatment to put you and your mind at ease during your appointment.
The objective of endodontic treatment is to get rid of all infection from the root canal. It can sometimes be a difficult and lengthy treatment, but thankfully, our Vancouver dental team has the required skill to provide expert results.
First, the infected pulp is removed. Any abscesses, which may exist, can also be drained at this time. The root canal is then cleaned and prepared for the filling. A temporary filling is put in and the tooth is left to settle. These steps will typically take place in one appointment. Upon your next appointment, your tooth will be examined when all the infection has cleared, and the tooth will be permanently filled.
Once a root canal is finished, the afflicted area gets a dental cap or filling, completely concealing the work and ensuring that your smile retains its complete, beautiful appearance.
And keep in mind that it isn’t uncommon for the tooth or surrounding gums to be sensitive for a couple of days after the treatment, but it will pass. This pain will not be severe and should not prevent patients from going back to their daily activities immediately following treatment.
For further information on our endodontic treatment, please contact Bay Dental immediately.