How many roots do my teeth have?

How many roots do my teeth have?

It’s strange to hear about our teeth having roots – aren’t those normally reserved for things like plants?  Just like a tree’s roots keep it in place in the earth, our teeth’s roots keep them anchored in our mouths – an important job!   The first three teeth in both the top and bottom job have only one root. The fourth and fifth teeth have one root on the bottom jaw (usually) and the top fourth tooth usually has two small roots, like the tops of rabbit ears. The fifth tooth usually has one root. The sixth and seventh teeth (molars) usually have two roots on the bottom jaw and three roots on the top jaw. The third molar (wisdom tooth) demonstrates a lot of variability, from 1-3 roots. Usually, the lower wisdom teeth have...
Why is Fluoride good for my teeth?

Why is Fluoride good for my teeth?

We hear a lot about fluoride – it’s likely in your toothpaste and maybe even in your drinking water.  What we don’t often hear, however, is what this useful element actually does for our teeth.   To start with, our teeth are covered in a mineral called enamel. Enamel has a crystalline structure to it called hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite has a certain strength to it that helps to protect our teeth and keep them healthy. When acids from the foods we eat attack hydroxyapatite, it can break it down and begin the decay process. This is where fluoride comes in.  When fluoride interacts with a tooth there is a change in the crystal. A new crystal, called fluorapatite, is formed. Fluorapatite is actually stronger than hydroxyapatite!  This means the tooth, with its new crystalline structure, is more resistant to acid attack and therefore, decay. With use of fluoride, there is approximately a 50% reduction in decay. I know there might be some chemistry folks out there who are interested in how this happens – in fact, the OH (Hydroxyl ion) in hydroxyapatite is replaced with a Fl (Fluoride ion) to make fluorapatite, which has a higher bond strength. If you have any questions about keeping your teeth healthy give us a visit at Bay Dental located on West Georgia downtown Vancouver. Feel free to give us a call at 604-569-0099 to book an appointment....